Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wave Goodbye, The Year is Leaving

Wave Goodbye, The Year is Leaving

I am sitting with my good friend John Law in his room recording our demo tape when we decide to walk downstairs, and wait for the ball to drop. I walk over with John to Taylor Cieslak’s house, and we meet a party of bustling people waiting for moments until the ball drops. I am sitting, contemplating my entire year, looking back at what I did right and wrong. I see all of my friends around me, counting down, and I almost feel as if I’m going to miss this year. As the final seconds ticked down, I noticed I wanted to do more, experience more, and feel more from 2009. But with ten seconds left in the year, you can’t do much for 2009. “Happy New Year!” Everyone yells in joy as 2009 is gone in the past, and 2010 is the future. I say quietly to myself, “Wave goodbye, the year is leaving.”

When a new year happens I do not know what to say or do. I am partying, perplexed, furious, depressed, or extremely happy. This year, I was happy with myself and also a little mad. I wish I played some things out better, and others I executed perfectly.

For New Years resolutions, I never have any. Not once have I been able to live up to a resolution, so I have given up on them. And for 2010, I wish I knew what I want to do, but I don’t. I let life roll until I have to make a decision, and the future is a scary thing, so I try not to look into it.

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