Monday, November 23, 2009

Give Thanks to the Lord Above

When you think of thanksgiving what do you think of? Do you think of cranberry sauce, little pilgrims, family, and a nice, warm, stuffed turkey? Or do we think of the poor who do not get to eat a feast of delectable treats such as ours? When all of those thoughts flood your mind, do you ever think of why you are thankful? I know that when I say thanksgiving I barely think of why I should be, and I should more often. I should be the most thankful person for having all the things I do.

Why am I thankful? I have so many things that others wouldn’t have, and I couldn’t ever live without. First off, I have a roof over my head, which keeps me warm at night and protects my family. And I am very thankful that I am not homeless, and I feel safe when I go to bed.

In this tough economy I am thankful that my entire family hasn’t lost their job, and when they have gained it back. None of us would not be able to pay for anything, like our house, food, or monthly payments. And I am also thankful that the ecomomy is improving slowly.

I am very thankful that my family is alive, well, and loving life. When all fails you have family there to comfort you, and catch you when you fall. Without my family I would have no support and would fail in life.

When the day of Thanksgiving comes I will be stuffed just as much as the turkey. And for this I will be very thankful, because others in this world are not as fortunate as I. I am very thankful that I have food on the table every night and do not have to go to bed hungry.

Without my true friends I would be socially isolated and not be able to survive in a school environment. My true friends are considered family to me and they are just as important. Without my friends I would not be the person I am today.

I am thankful that I have slowly recovered from my house fire 4 years ago. At a point my life was a living hell and I am just glad that is over. My family, neighbors, and friends pulled me through those hard times. Without the help of the neighbors I would probably have gone inside, and either be badly burned, or perhaps have lost my life in the flames. And without the comfort of others I would most likely be emotionally unstable and not view life the way I do now.

I am thankful that there is not a war going on at my doorstep, because this would bring my thriving life to a halting stop. Think of all the children in Somalia trying to survive and not be shot down in their tracks. If those children stay in that environment, they will not be able to have a proper education or live in poverty for the remainder of their lives. This makes me feel like god is giving me gifts and almost spoiling me, compared to the rest of the world.

I am thankful that I have a proper education unlike others throughout the world. Without an education in our society you have fewer opportunities and you practically go nowhere. I feel honored sometimes to have the education I do, compared to others in the world.

I am thankful that I am the person I am, and no one can change that. I love being myself and my decisions, actions, and personality are not influenced by my friends or the general population. I have always loved bringing smiles to people’s faces and make their day better.

And finally I give thanks to the lord above for watching over me and all who are part of my life. Without his guidance throughout my life I would be a lost soul, and I wouldn’t know where to turn. I will always thank him for all that he has done for me and the ones who are near me.

So on this thanksgiving lets not think of ourselves, but others. Let us think of all the items, belongings, and opportunities that we have compared to the lonely, depressed, and poor. Let us say “Thank you god for all your blessings!” For this is a day that we remember everything we are truly thankful for. Do not just ignore them like they are a normal part of our daily routine. Give thanks for your family, happiness, and food on the table, for others would do anything to be in your shoes.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

High School: A Month in Review

Old Friends, New Friends

This year I have met new friends primarily from catholic schools. I met Katy Gaberish, Erin Snyder, Matt Malecki, and my girlfriend Kyla Hunter. I have also lost one of my best friends over the summer, but we still talk. All my old friends are still the same and haven’t really changed much. I also have talked to people I have known for three years but never talked to and are now friends with. I LOVE KASSIDY!

SHS Activities Attended

While at Stevenson, I have joined the Global Ed community and became an official Globie. In class I was elected as the freshman class representative, and I am enjoying the seat of power incredibly. I go to every varsity football game

Funniest, Weirdest, Scariest Moments

At the beginning of the school year Audrey Kamrath and I had to run from our second hour to third hour every day. When I say run I mean literally sprinting. We would juke out people and pull spin moves. One day I was full backing for Audrey and I ran into a girl that made the most unusual noise and then fell on Audrey. We fortunately made it to class on time still.

Hardest, Easiest Class and Assignments

Currently my hardest classes are my Global Ed classes but I do just fine in them. In Geometry though I have a bad grade because I failed like two quizzes and a test. My hardest assignment this year would definitely have to be my cultural event in Global Ed. It’s not the assignment that is challenging; it’s focusing on it that kills everyone.

Top Five Current Events

Right now times are tough with the economy, the Yanks are going to the World Series…again, and the H1N1 flu is swinetastic. Currently Obama is in office and is causing some controversy with the health care reform, Nobel Peace Prize, and the war in Iraq. The other big deal is…SWINE FLU! Everyone I know is freaking out about it because it’s a new flu and it is very contagious and dangerous.

Faces in the News

Some faces in the news currently are Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden because they are all part of the current Obama ministration. Hamid Karzi is also in the news because he is the president of Afghanistan which is in a current election.

Interesting New Words

Some new words that I have learned in the past month are starting to become some of my favorite words. The word on my third vocabulary quiz was akimbo, which means like limp, or spread out. My official favorite word for the month of October though is Whimsical. And I have also come to find that I like the term Globie, which is used to describe a student of Global Ed.

Popular or Memorable Songs

“It’s a party in the U.S.A” all the time these days; and I hate it. There is also this one song called “Down” and I don’t like it much either. But I really hate the Jonas brothers with a burning passion of one thousand suns. They have no talent, just putting that out there.

Popular or Memorable Movies

Well right now the big scary movie is “Paranormal Activity” which is about who knows what, but it looks kinda good. People say it is a waste of time, and others say they cried for days on end after they watched it. So I can’t really decide if I want to go see it or not.

Rumors or Gossip

To be perfectly honest there is always rumors going around the school. But I have learned to ignore them because they are not useful and become annoying to listen to. But the last one about me was at Holmes, and it was pointless and a waste of time.

Fads or Trends

Every trend is a repeat of a trend before. The clothes we have now are 80’s fashions and styles, like leggings and creepy designs. There is also this random outburst of neon clothes now, and it really starts to hurt your eyes. People also like to say “Epic fail” even when it wasn’t an epic fail. Or others like to say “sicknasty” when it really means “that is awesome.”

First Cultural Event

My first Cultural Event was a paper on Invisible Children. I remember sitting in a chair for a weekend just trying to think what to type for this paper, and how hard it was to focus! I then made the paper and got an A, which was pretty good might I say. After doing the cultural I got involved with the Invisible Children community by donating, signing petitions, and making it public.


For Homecoming, I was in a group of seventeen people including me and my date. My girlfriend Kyla Hunter was my date and she looked quite dazzling in her sparkly black dress. We all went to my house for pictures and then got a limo to drive us to the restaurant. That ride is too long of a story for such a short ride; let’s leave it at that. We had a lovely dinner, went to the dance, and got back in the limo for another mini-party to Brandi’s house. When I got there, I kinda just chilled and then my parents picked me up. All in all it was an awesome-o homecoming.

Advice for a Freshman

Why hello freshman! Don’t be afraid of upperclassmen, they really aren’t that bad. But I wouldn’t suggest getting on their bad side, because they will act in a violent way. Also there are two bells and B Hall is always packed, get used to it. Oh one more thing, the fries are really good.

What I’m Looking Forward to

To tell you the truth I don’t look ahead that much, so I only have two things.

I can’t wait to be a senior!!! It is going to be the bomb. I also want track season to start so I can show my stuff like Usain bolt.

Other Noteworthy Achievements or Events


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Culture, Culture, Culture
American Culture is bold, patriotic, and beautiful. American culture is not just a mix of other cultures, but a culture within itself. This hybrid of cultures has been formed from the inventions of Thomas Edison and Eli Whitney to the Civil Rights movements of Martin Luther King Jr. and Susan B. Anthony. American Culture is the Fourth of July, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and Our founding Fathers. This culture that we partake in every day at times has been heartbreaking, gruesome, and saddening. On September 11, and Pearl Harbor our nation was attacked with a great surprise with nowhere to turn. The Civil War split the nation apart, but our nations pride brought us back together. American culture is a mix of all cultures, but a culture within itself.
My culture is a normal American teen’s culture. I get up to go to school, eat a little breakfast, and go to school for 7 hours. I get home from school and eat, do some homework, and then go to bed. Compared to most people, I am different in many ways. I like to play sports, listen to the Beatles, and play my guitar and cello. I celebrate Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and go down to Kentucky for thanksgiving every year. I am catholic and I go to church every Sunday because my family has a deep faith in my religion. But all in all, I am just another American boy who has a normal life, with a normal family, who lives in the United States.